Bahamas Underground is owned and operated by Michael Albury, a well know Abaconian entrepreneur and Brian Kakuk, a veteran explorer with more than 30 years of underwater cave exploration in the Bahamas.
Michael Albury |
Brian Kakuk moved to the Bahamas in 1988 after spending 7 years as a U.S. Navy Diver. He started cave diving in 1990 on Andros Island and is credited with some of the deepest and longest cave dives in the Bahamas.
After working as a civilian contract diver for the U.S. Navy's Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC), Brian left Military research and development diving and moved to the Exuma Cays to take the position of Diving Safety Officer for the Caribbean Marine Research Center on Lee Stocking Island. The caves and deep wall dives in the Exuma Cays proved to be challenging and a perfect environment to learn the scientific significance of the underwater world in the Bahamas.
Michael Albury has lived his entire life on Abaco and is one of the most prominent businessmen and conservationist in the Bahamas. He is the past president of FRIENDS OF THE ENVIRONMENT , an NGO environmental education organization, President of the PATHFINDERS OF ABACO , another NGO dedicated to raising funds to send promising young Bahamians to college, as well as the President of the ABACO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. He is also the owner of the CONCH INN HOTEL AND MARINA.
Michael lives on Man-O-War Cay, Abaco with his wife Nancy who is also active in conservation efforts in the Bahamas. Michael is also a member of the Bahamas National Trust, an organization mandated by the Bahamian Government to oversee all of the National Parks in the Bahamas.
When Brian is not busy guiding, teaching, working in films or doing research diving, he....well, goes cave diving. Photo by Jill Heinerth
When Michael is not running his businesses, he spends time in the air in his new float plane flying around the islands (and finding blue holes!)
Brian currently has more than 4000 EXPLORATION cave dives to his credit. The use of mixed gas rebreathers, scooters and new LED lighting systems have greatly increased the ease of exploration in recent years, but Brian's favorite mode for cave exploration still uses a standard side mounted open circuit configuration. Brian has authored many articles on exploration, research cave diving, blue hole diving and side mount diving configurations. He is the co-author of SIDE MOUNT PROFILES , an in depth book on side mount diving and he is the author of IANTD's SIDE MOUNT and NO Mount Diver curriculum currently used by cave diving instructors all over the world, and serves as member of IANTD's Board of Advisors.
Brian is the Founder and Director of the BAHAMAS CAVES RESEARCH FOUNDATION